Sunday, December 11, 2011

Will 2012 Be The Year For Women In Tech?

If 2011 was the year for talk surrounding women in tech, here’s hoping 2012 will be the year for action. Most of the people I met hardly know any names of women who sore high in the field of tech whereas names such as Bill Gates,Steve Jobes, mark Zukerberg is all over the place. Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, is perhaps the most well-known of the lot, but she’s not the only one. When faced with the choices of learning databases or teaching, girls are selecting the latter — and it’s stifling innovation and the pursuit of knowledge. There are simply too few women mentors and leaders who are committed to encouraging girls to develop a natural curiosity towards these fields. And its no wonder that the list of powerful women in Tech is not so lengthy as compared to that of men'. Every issue of Tech magazine this year carried some news about steve and the facebook guy and the blackberry guy.
So I hope 2012 will be a year of Women in Tech.

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