Lately, I have been into Data science. I never truly believed a future event can be predicted out of the data collected over the past until I saw some serious predictions made by the peers of my Data science class. Being a Computer Science student or a usual software professional, the first thought always goes to the algorithm and the mind is such a way molded to concentrate on the algorithm and never see what can be achieved with the data. The algorithm always takes the center stage and spotlight is never on the data. Take a step back and have a broader view. Think like a Data Scientist. Connect the dots and search for the meaning it reveals. Predict the future event and be surprised. That is one simple way to appreciate the power of data.
In a recent video, I came across, I found how powerful data can be and how visualizing it can make a lot of sense to even the commoners. In this video, Enormous quantities of data are combined and processed an presented in a sport's commentator's style to reveal the story of the world's past, present, and future development. It is narrated in a spectacular way using augmented reality animation. He visualizes the data in a very meaningful way to show the story of the world in 200 countries over 200 years using 120,000 numbers - in just four minutes.
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